Second Wind Solutions, LLC





Second Wind Solutions Business Philosophy

We are not just about carving out costs. We think of ourselves as problem solvers; internally amongst management and ownership but also with outside constituents (banks, investors). We restore credibility inside the organization and outside the organization.

We create and restore economic value for the investors/stakeholders.

We “teach” the organization to manage the business by the numbers, make tough decisions, and react quicker to changes in the market. We “train” the organization to be smarter, nimble and proactive.

We use working capital management to generate cash flow. We run the business for CASH and we teach you how to do this with daily/weekly cash flow modeling, forecasting and tracking.

People trust us.  Our results are quick, impacting, and lasting.

We have a solid reputation for getting results.

We persevere. We follow-through and execute.

We truly “invest” in the long-term ability of your firm to succeed. We do not want your organization to fail.

Plot your course→Set your ship in motion →Sail and Succeed (execute the plan) →Ongoing oversight management and governance (to maintain and grow success)



At the end of the engagement, the goal is to have a stronger business enterprise platform in place to not only survive but to sustain and thrive well into the future.

The expected outcome at the end of the Second Wind Solutions engagement is as follows: 

  • the previously distressed organization has stabilized (out of cash flow panic mode) and is effectively managing and forecasting its cash flows,
  • the management team is executing to a well constructed business plan,
  • the executive management/ownership is providing strategic vision, direction and alignment, and
  • the appropriate long-term financial capitalization structure is in place to provide for financial stability and longevity.