Second Wind Solutions, LLC




Decision Matrix Flowchart of Second Wind Solutions Turnaround, Restructuring and Strategic Activity Events

(typical sequence of events)


Cash Flow daily crisis management

Develop 30 week cash flow forecast model

Leadership team assessment/collaboration

Restructure Management Teams to drive system of accountability

  • Implement weekly management team meetings in order to facilitate knowledge transfer/information flow across functional areas

Overhaul compensation and benefit plans; as necessary

Strategic Business Plan Development or Refinement

  • Sales and Marketing Plan
  • Financial Plan (P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flows, DSC, Leverage Tests)
  • Operational execution plan


  • Strategic Alignment-Business Units and Functional Teams
  • Execution of Strategic Business Plan (Drive Accountability!)
  • Eliminate barriers to improved operational performance
    • Raw material costs containment
    • Direct labor improvements
    • Improve under-utilized overhead
    • Eliminate unnecessary fixed overhead and S,G&A
    • Increase throughput
    • Shorten sales to ship cycle
  • Facilitate the flow of communication and information across business units and functional areas
  • Seamless and effective decision making
  • Foster continuous improvement environment
  • Instill CASH FLOW mindset and culture throughout the organization!


Capital Formation/Credit Infusion/Credit refinance/Re-capitalization; if necessary

Enterprise stabilization and long-term sustainability!!